Saturday, September 13, 2008


My Best Birthday

I turned 23. You were expecting 5, right? Well, I'm sorry, but you'd be wrong. Mine was lucky old number 23. Why 23? Well, for starters I was finally over being 22 and old, and now I got to be 23 and older, whew I thought I was going to have deal with the rest of my life saying I was "22 and old". =P

The day though was perfect, it really didn't matter how old I was turning. It was a Friday, my birthday weekend; and the weekend started with a beautiful sky and warm shockingly for Geneseo. I wore a black cute tank top and white skirt. Yes, a WHITE Skirt. Emphasis on the white and most defintely the skirt. No one has ever known me to ever do that unless I felt really, really good, and looked really really hot. I even straighten my hair for the occasion. I look great and no one recognized me at first, which is always amazing. I love it when that happens. I had even my closet male friends saying I looked goood. lol.

So after my one class of the day, I headed over to Pete's to meet up with every body. I loved my brothers because when I got there, there were 'presents' glore and a little party going on in my celebration. During this time Meredith and I were close and she had come up for my birthday. She suprised me with flowers and it was great. That night we had an open in my honor =)

Saturday was very good, though I had to bring Meredith to the airport which I wished at the time should would've been able to stay longer. Stupid air plane ticket. Though it did give me and Becky some lovely quality time together. =) That evening I went to a benefit gathering that Pete was doing for class followed by good times at the Crow House. The only clitch was getting my period right as we got back to the house. Thank God Emily at the time was living with Pete so I was saved. The party was pretty good though I did what I was accustomed to doing that year; hang out with Pete, Vince and Emily, Jimmy and one random person (from Crows- non crows). I loved it when life comprised of that. Though that night we all got together outside in front of a lovely fire that Pete and Vince built. We watched a So, needless to say I slept over, I didn't feel like walking back to the dorm. I wanted to be lazy =P

Sunday, was the greatest! This was the ultimate reason why number 23 will go down in the history books. When I awoke I was greeted so nicely. I was made comfortable on my couch that I had slept on, and was given the remote. For the entire day I got to relax while I had my period with one of pete's pillows and my favorite blanket I stole from Aaron (unintentionally, a totally different story), watching whatever I wanted in Pete's room. It was great! And where was Pete, Vince, Jimmy, Emily, and a few of the other brother's? They were all in the living room watching what they wanted to watch while Pete brewed me some special tea he had been creating for months for my birthday. And here is the kicker, after it was ready to drink, it was served to me with a little honey, and every body came into Pete's room to hang out with me while we drank the tea and watched Neverland starring Johnny Depp. Now that is an awesome birthday! Who could beat being served on and encourage to just relax and watch your favorite birthday present with 5 guys and of course one girfriend (not mine, Pete's) all while drinking tea with them. =)

That was a great birhtday. I must say =)

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